They suppress the requirement of complete vaccination in face-to-face work.
The Ministry of Health (Minsa) modified some provisions on the prevention and control of covid-19 in the workplace. In this way, it eliminated the obligation to require staff to have the complete vaccination schedule for return to face-to-face work.
Consequently, the employer may require the return to face-to-face work of its personnel, regardless of their vaccination status, in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 675-2022-Minsa. Rule that also nullifies the obligation to prioritize remote work for people with risk factors for covid-19.
Thus, according to the new provisions, the employer must only verify that preferably the staff is vaccinated. Therefore, it should continue to monitor vaccination actions among workers, says a legal report on the matter from the Echecopar Study.
Regarding the authorization of the return to face-to-face work of risk personnel, it will be carried out in accordance with the need of the business and may be mandatory. Here the standard establishes two very important aspects to examine.
First, the available clinical information, which must be assessed by the doctor of the health and safety at work service, or whoever takes his place, to specify the health status and individual occupational risk of each worker. And, then, determine the work modality (face-to-face, remote or mixed) according to the need for the service.
In this way, the return to work of workers with risk factors for covid-19 will be carried out considering the task, the distance, the ventilation and the working day.
Although pregnant or lactating workers must continue to perform remote work, as long as the state of health emergency is maintained.
The norm also includes new provisions, such as updating the days of isolation of personnel with a confirmed, suspected or probable diagnosis, which, according to current Minsa regulations, are from 7 to 10 days.
However, the restriction of movement outside the home is preserved during the development of the disease, details a report from the Benites, Vargas & Ugaz Study.
Then, in cases of return to work after medical discharge (post-Covid-19), the obligation to have the aptitude for work issued by the occupational doctor is eliminated. And it will only be required that the medical discharge given by the treating doctor be reviewed by the occupational doctor.
The obligation to present the “Plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of covid-19 at work” to the institutional mail of the Minsa is also abolished. Now, only the approval of the Occupational Health and Safety committee or supervisor is required, as appropriate.
Source: The Peruvian