Implementation of the Law on Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of violence that is perpetrated through conduct of a sexual or sexist nature, which is not welcome or desired by the person against whom it is directed.


The importance of preventing and detecting sexual harassment early on lies in the fact that, in the event of such cases, the victim’s integrity is affected, and their situation in the institutional space where they operate is likely to be altered, creating an intimidating, hostile, or humiliating environment.

Sexual harassment can be determined from the first manifestation and does not require explicit rejection to be reported.

Our implementation service of the Law on Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment (Law No. 27942) aims to provide you with all the necessary tools to comply with the current regulations and to address any cases of sexual harassment that may occur in the company, providing your staff with the protection and security of belonging to a company that cares for them.

Our service includes:

  • Policy on Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment
  • Complaint registration document for Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment
  • Flowchart of the complaint process, stages, and timelines
  • Procedure for the selection of the Intervention Committee against sexual harassment and its documentation
  • Training for the Prevention and Punishment Committee against Sexual Harassment

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